Instructor Name

Nadine El Asmar


Life Coaching And NLP


4 (1 Rating)

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Course Requirements

This course is suitable for individuals with a genuine interest in helping others achieve their goals.

Course Description

The "Foundations of Life Coaching" course serves as an introduction to the principles, skills, and ethical considerations essential for aspiring life coaches. This foundational course provides a comprehensive overview of the coaching profession, emphasizing core coaching competencies, effective communication, and the development of a coaching mindset.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course

participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the fundamental principles and philosophy of life coaching.
  2. Develop active listening and communication skills crucial for coaching relationships.

  3. Explore core coaching competencies, including goal setting and action planning.
  4. Gain insights into ethical considerations and professional standards in life coaching.

  5. Acquire foundational coaching techniques for building rapport and trust.
  6. Practice basic coaching models for facilitating positive change.
  7. Identify and overcome common challenges in the coaching process.

Course Curriculum

1 Understanding the Basics of Life Coaching
Preview 10 Min

This module serves as an introduction to the fundamental principles and concepts that underpin the field of life coaching. Participants will explore the essence of life coaching, its historical evolution, and its distinctiveness from other helping professions such as therapy or consulting.

2 Historical Overview
Preview 30 Min

Tracing the historical development of life coaching. Key figures and milestones in the evolution of life coaching. Understanding the shifts in societal attitudes that contributed to the rise of life coaching.

3 Test
Preview 1 Hour

test description


Nadine El Asmar

4 Rating
1 Reviews
39 Students
18 Courses

A highly qualified and experienced Corporate Trainer, specialising in Train The Trainer, leadership and management and a range of personal and professional development skills (detailed later in this profile).

Nadine is a Postgraduate Qualified Educator and Adult Education Specialist that has delivered training to over 130,000 students in 168 countries.

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Foundations of Life Coaching


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