Instructor Name

Nadine El Asmar


Gymnastics And Fitness


4 (1 Rating)

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Course Requirements

  • Basic understanding of exercise physiology and anatomy.
  • Completion of introductory fitness or personal training courses.

Course Description

The "Fitness Assessment and Program Design" course is designed to equip fitness professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess clients' fitness levels accurately and design customized exercise programs. Participants will learn various fitness assessment techniques, including measurements of cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The course also covers the principles of program design, considering individual goals, fitness levels, and any special considerations.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course

participants should be able to:

  1. Conduct comprehensive fitness assessments using various measurement tools.
  2. Analyze and interpret fitness assessment results.

  3. Understand the principles of exercise program design.
  4. Design individualized exercise programs based on client goals and assessment outcomes.

  5. Consider special considerations and modifications for diverse populations.
  6. Implement effective communication skills for discussing assessment results and program recommendations.
  7. Continuously evaluate and adapt exercise programs based on client progress.

Course Curriculum

1 Overview of Exercise Science
Preview 10 Min

Exercise Science is a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of biology, physiology, anatomy, psychology, and biomechanics to understand how the body responds and adapts to physical activity and exercise.

2 Anthropometry and Body Composition
Preview 30 Min

The Anthropometry and Body Composition module is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, techniques, and applications of anthropometry and body composition assessment in various fields, including health, fitness, sports science, and nutrition.


Nadine El Asmar

4 Rating
1 Reviews
39 Students
18 Courses

A highly qualified and experienced Corporate Trainer, specialising in Train The Trainer, leadership and management and a range of personal and professional development skills (detailed later in this profile).

Nadine is a Postgraduate Qualified Educator and Adult Education Specialist that has delivered training to over 130,000 students in 168 countries.

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Fitness Assessment and Program Design


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